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What students say

“I felt Ranias feedback was always honest & clear. I trusted her opinions & advice. She is very knowledgeable in her field. She challenged me to think critically about my designs. She also taught me how to talk through my design process which is an important skill in the industry.”

- Patrice, Design 101

“Rania was a great mentor. She regularly reviewed my submission and always gave me very insightful and actionable feedbacks. During our one-on-one sessions, she would give me insightful feedback about the processes we discuss and units I've covered over the week. Rania also always challenged me to think beyond what my understanding of things are.”

- Tashi P, Design 101

“I love Rania! Super informative and patient. I would definitely recommend her to anyone looking into get into UX design.”

- Christina L, Design 101

“Rania was great, not only did she provide me with real advice and thoughts from someone in the industry, she also gave amazing feedback and criticism on my work that really helped shape my thought processes when it came to UX in general. Additionally she provided me with real feedback on assignments and made sure that I was putting my best work forward.”

- James H, Design 101

Past students

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UX Academy

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UX Academy Foundations

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Design 101