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What students say

“Paulami is a grounded and insightful mentor. Her feedback was always well delivered, structured, inquisitive, and encouraging. I really appreciated her straightforward but gentle direction. She is a well experienced educator with the exceptional ability to modify her mentoring to your unique goals. I will miss our weekly sessions!”

- Laura S, Design 101

“Paulami was so helpful and experienced, offering tons of thoughtful feedback and suggestions to improve my skills even outside of research and strategy. She's kind and approaches feedback thoughtfully. I was lucky to have her as my mentor!”

- Leyla B, UX Research & Strategy

“Paulami is the best! She's super helpful and I genuinely enjoyed every call I had with her.”

- Shanice A, UX: Interaction Design

Past students

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UX Academy

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UX Academy Foundations

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Career Services

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Design 101

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UI Design

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UX: Interaction Design

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UX Research & Strategy