Recent work

What students say

“Nikki had great insight and is very helpful. She has well thought-out suggestions for every issue!”

- Tracey M, UI Design

“Nikki was patient and professional and explained everything I needed beautifully. Thanks!”

- Rebecca B, Design 101

“Always available and very helpful. Nikki has an awesome Balance of being direct and clear on her critivivisa, but always being kind and productive. Really learned a lot!”

- Ben M, Design 101

“She was awesome! She gave me great feedback and resources through the whole process!!!”

- Marshall C, Design 101

Past students

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Design 101 v2 icon

Design 101

UI Design icon

UI Design

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UX Academy Legacy: Phase 1

UX Academy icon

UX Academy Legacy: Phase 2

UX Research & Strategy icon

UX Research & Strategy