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What students say

“Aditya was helping me a lot trough the journey, he always gives me constructive feedback and step-by-step best practices based on his experience, and that is very useful for me.”

- Ziya E, UX Research & Strategy

“Aditya is dedicated to giving feedback and providing stretch goals for the mentee to succeed and grow. He is honest about your strengths and weaknesses, and gives advice on how you can improve. He is passionate about guiding newer, less experienced designers, and I'm appreciative that I was paired with Aditya in my first design course!”

- Virginia C, Design 101

“Aditya is very experienced in the field of both UX and UI. I like the fact that he pushes me to make the most out of the course and he is also aware of what is happening in the industry around the Asia region. He is quick to offer constructive advice and is also patient when providing me with feedback as I know I can ask too many questions sometimes!”

- Shiny L, UI Design

Past students

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UX Academy

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UX Academy Foundations

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Career Services

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Design 101

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UI Design

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UX: Interaction Design

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UX Research & Strategy