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What students say

“I really enjoyed having Jarne as my mentor. He was incredibly helpful and kind, and provided a plethora of inspiration and resources whenever I felt stuck. He really encouraged me to think outside of the box, and was fully supportive of my ideas and tried to help me execute each idea to the best of his ability. He also encouraged me to think about the design team overall and how my designs could be made more efficient from a developer point of view. I think any student would be lucky to have Jarne as their mentor, he really went above and beyond for each call and was a pleasure to work with!”

- Joanna L, UX Academy

“I am very happy that Jarne happened to be my mentor. His passion for design led us so much further than the scope of the course. Jarne had the patience to discuss a great variety of topics around design, from structuring my Figma files, down to the smallest UI detail I missed over and over. I could have never hoped to learn so much from the course and it exceeded my expectations thanks to Jarne who was a dedicated mentor.”

- Eugenia B, UI Design

“Jarne was amazing! he was one of the sweetest people I've ever worked with, he did not hold back any information, supplied me with multiple sources to expand my knowledge was very patient with me and was very detail oriented, which was exactly what I wanted. I got to learn exactly what I signed up for. Will defiantly love to have him as a mentor in future courses.”

- Mariam , UI Design

“Jarne is the ideal mentor any beginner could wish for. He has the passion to discuss every detail in-depth and go so much further than the DesignLab course frame. He opened up new dimensions for me and with his friendly and joyful attitude, he made our calls very pleasant. I would give him 10 out of 5 stars if the system allowed it.”

- Eugenia B, UI Design

Past students

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UX Academy

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UI Design

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UX Research & Strategy