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“Hussain consistently motivated me to succeed in my projects by providing insightful guidance and in-depth constructive feedback. He's very responsive and truly cares about the growth of his students. He was understanding that I was a student coming from an unrelated background and did his best to push me and guide me in the right direction. I'm truly thankful to have had him as my mentor!”

- Valerie B, UX Academy

“Hussain was an amazing mentor who provided the perfect balance of guidance and independence during my journey through the program. He offered valuable resources throughout the program that really expanded my understanding and practice of UX. He went above and beyond by being available to ask questions and critiques whenever I felt stuck. His genuine care and encouragement during moments of self-doubt were invaluable and he was a constant source of support throughout the program which really kept pushing me forward. I highly recommend Hussain as a mentor; he truly cares about his students and wants them to succeed. Thank you, Hussain, for your amazing guidance!”

- Lindsay Y, UX Academy

“It was a great experience having Hussain as my mentor for 8 weeks. He was incredibly supportive and encouraging, consistently helping me identify my blind spots and providing clear guidance to complete my work. Hussain was always responsive, which clearly shows his commitment to nurturing relationships with his students and always shared a wealth of information with me. Overall I had a great UX/UI beginning with Hussain!”

- Amber L, UX Academy Foundations

“Hussain was very knowledgeable and passionate about the industry and was always happy to answer my questions. His expertise and experience lent a lot to our sessions and he did a great job of giving feedback as well as the why behind it. He also provided me with a lot of design resources outside of those given to me in the academy which will help me now and in the future! Overall, he was a great mentor and definitely enhanced my Designlab experience!”

- KC H, UX Academy Foundations

“It’s been almost half a year after I graduated from the Spiekersmann Cohort and I successfully landed a job as an Experience Designer in Infosys. I would like to give some honor to my mentor from UX Academy Hussain. He is informative and helpful about my design. I didn’t have background in design at all, but he is the one to cultivate my skills and even until today, he is still keen to help me on working with stakeholders and implement design process in the workplace. I am truly honored to be his mentee.”

- Debbie , UX Academy

“I'd like to express my appreciation for the mentorship provided by Hussain. Throughout our sessions together, he has been an insightful guide, generously sharing valuable insights and industry experiences. His patient explanations have helped me grasp complex concepts, and his constructive feedback has contributed to my development as a student. The mentor sessions have also deepened my understanding of this industry. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from a supportive mentor.”

- Jasmine W, UX Academy Foundations

“Hussain brought a really great balance of empathy, industry knowledge, and constructive feedback to all of our sessions. I felt that I could talk about my successes and my challenges, ask all my questions, and Hussain would meet me wherever I was with insight and an open mind. He provided a lot of design resources to help me improve my skills, and helped me feel included in the design community. I would 100% recommend him as a mentor, and feel very fortunate to have worked with him. :)”

- Elisabeth H, UX Academy

“I was extremely lucky to have Hussain as my mentor. He's extremely knowledgeable and passionate about the industry. He provided me with essential feedback on my assignments and projects that allowed me to rapidly grow as a UX designer. If you are lucky enough to match with Hussain, feel confident in the fact that he's an amazing mentor and has truly added value to my UXA experience.”

- Christina A, UX Academy

“I feel incredibly lucky to have been matched with Hussain for my foundations course. Not only was a great mentor, but we both came from the same filmmaking background, which allowed us to speak the same language. Hussain was the perfect balance of kind and challenging, always making sure my work was up to par and that I was learning properly. He was also very generous with his time and always encouraged me to ask any questions whether it was about design or the industry. Anyone would be lucky to have Hussain as a mentor!”

- Matt N, UX Academy Foundations

“Hussain has been a wonderful mentor during my time in the Foundations program. He was able to provide excellent feedback, recommendations, and resources. He shared real-world examples, did demos on certain elements I was stuck on, and gave his experience on how he got into UX and what he hopes to achieve. Most importantly, I felt that he was attentive to my work and my progress.”

- Olivia E, UX Academy Foundations

“Hussain was my mentor for the duration of the UX Foundation course. He was very knowledgeable and gave great advice about not just projects, but also methodology, planning, and some of the best ways to use design software. He often shared links and other resources that aided me in my projects and the many questions I had. He was flexible and understanding about shifting schedules and always offered to provide some assistance outside of our allotted meeting times. I found him to be quite direct, always asking questions about my actual process and reasoning. I'm really glad to have had Hussain as my mentor, his explanations and guidance helped me stay on track and do my best!”

- Nick S, UX Academy Foundations

“Hussain is a caring and available mentor. He always made sure I understood feedback and made himself available also outside the mentor sessions in case I had a doubt or needed some extra support. He shared resources he thought would be useful based on my interest and also told me about his experience in the industry and his journey in the UX world. Hussain will help you with advice in many aspects of design other than the assignments, which I thought was really valuable. Would highly recommend him as a mentor!”

- Chiara B, UX Academy

“Hussain was my mentor for DL Foundations. He is very knowledgeable about UX design and gave me the confidence I needed to apply to UX Academy. Hussain is professional in his feedback and very thorough. He was always on time for our sessions even though we were on opposite sides of the world! I enjoyed having Hussain as my mentor and appreciate the time and energy he gave to support me as a career switcher.”

- Rebecca , UX Academy Foundations

“Having Hussain as a mentor was reassuring during my learning process. He gives you enough room to explore ideas and learn as you go through the process, yet he provides guidance and feedback when he sees you could be doing better. Very accommodating and understanding, he always checks-in, in your progress to make sure you’re on track. Every so often he shares resources and examples from the real world — as well as the occasional meme and song :). He’s a great mentor —and person— to have in your journey!”

- Jordi A, UX Academy

“My experience having Hussain as my Foundations mentor gave me the confidence I needed to move forward with UX Academy. He provided me with detailed feedback that was easy to understand. He challenged me and encouraged me throughout the course. He took his time and went above and beyond to provide recourses and guidance to help me throughout this journey. Not only is Hussain an excellent mentor, but he is also a very kind and approachable person. I feel blessed to have had him as my mentor.”

- Ashley E, UX Academy Foundations

“I had such a great experience with him! He was friendly, easy to talk to/get along with, constructive in his criticism, and helpful in sharing ample amounts of resources. I think my favourite quality of his mentorship is that instead of providing criticism and not giving further instructions on routes for improvements, he follows up with an explanation(s) of WHY it doesn't work and/or WHAT can be improved. This goes for both the graphic representation of the work and also the anticipated experience of the user. In addition, he is very organized in that he requires his students to outline an agenda to send to him to help guide the conversations and questions for the meetings. This helped not only in providing some structure for the meeting but also in challenging students to think critically on what subjects they'd like to touch on.”

- Lisa Y, UX Academy Foundations

“Hussain was very helpful during the whole duration of the short course and always strived to help me whenever I had questions. I appreciated his tips in using Figma and all the resources he always sent to me throughout the course to fill in the gaps of my knowledge since the course was intensive (I took the full time track). We are still connected after the course and he continues to give me good resources in design. Overall I had a great experience with him as my mentor!”

- Jessica Y, UX Academy Foundations

“Hussain was a challenging mentor in the sense that he was very direct with his feedback, detail oriented, but also knew when to be encouraging when I had a lot of self-doubt with learning concepts and navigating Figma. He was very pro-active with providing helpful resources during the course of my studies and made meetings very enjoyable. He was more than happy to provide suggestions on how to strengthen my skills for the job search in the future. He takes his work very seriously and takes on a lot in general and I would recommend him as a wonderful mentor and person in general.”

- Rochelle D, UX Academy Foundations

“Hussain is a super supportive mentor, who gives you emotional and realistic support when needed, and is always happy to contribute his time to provide helpful sessions and resources. He’s also an experienced designer sharing insightful industry experiences all the time. Start your UX journey right with Hussain!”

- Lydia S, UX Academy

“Since our first meeting, Hussain has been friendly, personable and so easy to talk to. He provides me with feedback that challenges me to explain my design decisions and speak confidently about them. His communication is always timely and he responds promptly whenever I have a question. He's also constantly sharing resources to help with any relevant topics he feels would be beneficial. I'd highly recommend him as a mentor!”

- Kristen B, UX Academy

“Hussain is an incredible mentor who went beyond simply giving feedback on my assignments. He gives input on my side projects, regularly sends interesting design articles and tutorials, and provides insight into the design industry. Hussain may be very straightforward with his feedback, but this doesn’t mean he isn’t encouraging - he motivates me to work harder when he sees potential for improvement.”

- Tiffany T, UX Academy Foundations

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