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What students say

“Diana was wonderful. From going above and beyond with her resources, feedback, and encouragement. I couldn't of asked for a better mentor.”

- Justin D, UI Design

“Diana is an expert and her years of experience show in the way she gave such great insights and guidance throughout the whole process. She always knew how to answer my questions and helped push me to put out my best work, and gave good feedback from both a holistic perspective and a really detailed perspective. She was also relatable and easy to talk to, making mentor sessions really fun and no stress.”

- Kristen F, Design 101

“Diana provided thorough project feedback in our sessions and sent me additional resources to complement my learning through Design101. It would have been great to receive timely commentary on projects via the submission portal to move forward with projects, however, I appreciate her being helpful enough to meet with me after the course ended because I was behind on my assignments due to a few life changes. Overall, her charisma and treatment suggestions helped me elevate my work.”

- Esther P, Design 101

“Insightful with a keen eye for design, Diana was the best mentor. Her feedback was always so useful. She definitely has a lot of experience and I felt her mentoring was an integral and best part of Design101. She also sends me a lot of links and answers all my questions thoroughly. She wants her students to do the best.”

- Jamie S, Design 101

“Diana was always available, incredibly helpful and provided great feedback for my work and UX/UI in general.”

- Dan B, Design 101

Past students

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UX Academy Foundations

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Design 101

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UI Design

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UX: Interaction Design