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What students say

“Amazing! Made me realize that everything should have a reason within UI. Provided various resources and was helpful with any questions or feedback.”

- Abbie H, UI Design

“Calvin was a great pair for me. We had a lot of similarities in our design background and I felt he was really able to give me the feedback I needed to take my work to the next level. He is a great listener and provided great insight to my work. He really pushed me past the "how" and made me think about the "why". I really enjoyed having him as my mentor and we will definitely stay in touch in the future!”

- Kaitlyn M, UI Design

“Calvin ensured our mentor / mentee relationship was intentional and valuable to both myself and to him. I appreciated how he geared his advice and guidance to exactly what I was looking for in a design mentor!”

- Alexa C, UX: Interaction Design

“He is very nice and patient. I changed my schedule couple of times and he was very patient and cooperative. He always help me in whatever area I need help with.”

- Chani A, UI Design

Past students

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UX Academy

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Design 101

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UI Design

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UX: Interaction Design

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UX Research & Strategy