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What students say

“Chrissy get all the stars from me, because in the beginning of the course I needed some little more pushing towards my goals en getting trough that barrier, and she did just that. She kept giving good advice on improving my designs and pointing towards the bad things. I also learned a lot about UX design for the my professional carreer and that's what I came here for in the first place. Once again I'd like to thank her for all the advice and for believing in me!”

- Cedric B, Design 101

“Chrissy was an amazing resource. What really worked for me is she would ask me to explain my process, then gave me feedback, and illustrate the feedback with examples. This form of teaching really resonated for me and help me see a lot of the design idea I have been taking for granted. My boss has seen a large improvement in my design skills and is all for me continuing to grow. If anything, I'd find it incredible valuable to have more sessions with her. It was the most valuable part of the course and expereience.”

- Michael A, Design 101

Past students

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UX Academy

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UX Academy Foundations

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Career Services

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Design 101

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UX Academy Legacy: Phase 2

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UX: Interaction Design