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What students say

“Chiranjeet embodies kindness and patience, creating a safe and comfortable environment where you can freely ask questions about UX and even providing mental support for managing stress and time effectively. He goes beyond being a UX mentor and extends his guidance to personal growth as well. He is a remarkable mentor who genuinely cares about your well-being and professional development.”

- Kathy C, UX Academy

“During the months with Design Lab, Chiranjeet would go above and beyond to help me become successful in UX design. With his feedback, I was able to grow my skill set quickly, and was able to achieve a job at Citi as a UX designer, during my schooling! He would get a 10 out of 5 star rating for me! He is extremely kind, knowledgeable, and understanding. I would tell anyone to have him as a mentor, and I promise it will be worth your time. Please give him plenty of praise and love, he is amazing! 10/10 Amazing time!”

- Emilie C, UX Academy

“Chiranjeet was very helpful throughout my early journey at UX Academy. He always provided advice to mitigate my worries as well as provided clarification on approaching certain steps in design whenever I needed it. Overall, I had a positive experience as Chiranjeet's mentee.”

- Jessica Y, UX Academy

“I was pleased to have Chiranjeet as my mentor for UX Academy Foundations. Being new to my design journey, I felt a lot of imposter syndrome throughout Foundations, but Chiranjeet was easy to talk to and provided much objective, precise, and consistent feedback that helped me navigate this course. He is very knowledgeable in this field and provided invaluable insight into the industry that I’m now excited to take with me into UX Academy for this upcoming December 2022 cohort.”

- Urisa P, UX Academy Foundations

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UX Academy Foundations

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