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What students say

“Yash was so thoughtful in his critique and feedback. He gave me great advice and helped me think critically about my designs. It was a great experience working with him!”

- Sara D, UI Design

“Yash is present, kind, and genuine. On top of that, he is a vast source of knowledge and UX wisdom and communicates clearly. Our conversations felt like an organic back-and-forth with all my questions left answered and a new list of resources gathered to dive deeper into any topics of interest brought up. I can't imagine getting paired with a more effective mentor.”

- Benjamin G, UX Research & Strategy

“Yash is very knowledgeable! During our sessions, he took time to answer all of my questions as well as provide additional context (including resource links) for each topic.”

- Roseann Y, UX Research & Strategy

“I am happy to have been paired with such a knowledgable and talented mentor during my Design 101 experience. Yash equipped me with various knowledge, and resources that grew my skills into that of a better designer in just 4 short weeks! I have not only gained confidence in my growing design skills, but I feel assured that UX Design is a great fit for me with all of the encouraging feedback Yash gave me. He was always so thoughtful in his feedback, replied promptly, and was patient with any rescheduling or accommodations! It was an honor being one of his students!”

- Janki B, Design 101

Past students

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UX Academy

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UX Academy Foundations

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Design 101

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UI Design

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UX: Interaction Design

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UX Research & Strategy