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What students say

“I wanted to send a review on my mentor, Susanne Steinbach. First, I would like to say she went above and beyond what I thought a mentorship would first be like when I learned about the program. It was clear from our first session that Susanne really cares about her students and wants them to succeed. She told me that all of her students have succeeded and that not only made me feel more confident but really made me want to be successful that much more to not let her down! Each week we used our time very efficiently getting right to what I needed help with depending on where I was at in the course. Susanne always encouraged me to reach out to her when I was stuck on something, and every time I did she very quickly had a solution for me that worked.”

- Michelle S, UX Academy Foundations

“Susanne is competent, very friendly and always gave good advice. It was a pleasure to have her as my mentor!”

- Katharina E, UI Design

“Susanne was better than any mentor I could have imagined. She was knowledgeable, thorough, kind, and patient. I started this course with zero UX/UI experience, and I am now leaving with confidence and countless resources and tools. She always went above and beyond on every single topic. It is clear that she cares about her students, and truly wants to help others. I felt motivated every week, and looked forward to our calls. I feel so lucky to have been placed with her. Thank you, Susanne and DesignLab”

- Alisha A, UX Academy Foundations

“Working with Susanne was incredible. As I'm a complete newbie to design, Susanne had so much patience explaining everything to me and motivating me to push forward and try new ideas. She gave me such thorough and thoughtful feedback on my projects; I felt 100% supported by her throughout the course. The video sessions we held together were extremely helpful too, and she always had some extra resources and tips to share. Thank you Susanne!”

- Tova K, Design 101

Past students

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UX Academy

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UX Academy Foundations

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Design 101

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UI Design

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UX: Interaction Design