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What students say

“He gave great feedback & advice while also talking about his personal experiences working in the field of UX, which helped bring relevance to my projects!”

- Stefanie T, Design 101

“Scott is a high quality mentor. His enthusiasm for good design and desire to share his knowledge and experience were always apparent. He left thoughtful comments on my work, and I enjoyed all of our conversations. He challenged me to think more deeply about UX principles and practice. Overall excellent experience!”

- Yumi M, UX: Interaction Design

“Scott is a great mentor! I thoroughly enjoyed my time working with him. I could tell from his feedback that he was really taking the time to go through every part of my assignment and give me helpful feedback. I had a great time during all of our mentor sessions, and he made me think about many parts of design I didn't know about, and also taught me a lot. He is clearly a very experienced designer, but was great at teaching even a very new beginner like myself. His passion for design is evident, and he brings a very unique perspective and background to his work.”

- Ariella C, Design 101

“I love working with Scott, he pays attention to the big picture but also goes into details that are beyond the material we are actually learning about in this course. He’s all about details and he is making sure that the job is not only done but it is done properly from a professional perspective.”

- Klára É, Design 101

“Scott is a great mentor. I received a lot of positive and very useful feedback both for the project we are working on and also regarding my career. It has been a real pleasure!”

- Mathieu M, UX: Interaction Design

Past students

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UX Academy

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Design 101

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UX: Interaction Design

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UX Research & Strategy