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What students say

“Ryan was a key figure for me at Designlab, to lay the foundations for my transition from Programming to Product Design. He is a very skilled UX / UI Designer, that provided me with really good advice throughout the whole UX Academy journey. He is passionate and devoted in his craft, and you can notice he enjoys teaching. I can only thank and wish him all the best!”

- Jose M, UX Academy

“Ryan Byrne was my UX Foundations mentor and he is great at teaching. He helped me to gain very useful tips and insights on User Interface Design in a very short amount of time. Ryan is capable of observing and covering all little design details and advice useful improvements on them in a very short span of time which was a big timesaver for me in my UX Foundations. I would definitely recommend Ryan to anyone who is starting in design from scratch and wants great learning and tips.”

- Soma R, UX Academy Foundations

“Really helpful and quick with feedback. He gave lots of notes and interesting sites to visit and read more about the different topics. Thanks for the support Ryan.”

- Marili B, UX Research & Strategy

Past students

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UX Academy

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UX Academy Foundations

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Design 101

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UI Design

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UX Research & Strategy