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What students say

“Incredibly dedicated to offering a customized learning experience that actually matched up with a project I'm doing at my full-time job.”

- Shani T, UX Research & Strategy

“Kurt was incredibly detailed, helpful and thorough with his feedback on my assignments. His feedback would include positive reinforcement but also offer suggestions that would enable to improve and learn from those assignments. He often recommended other tools and resources that would be helpful based on his experience, too, during our calls. Would highly recommend Kurt!”

- Robert L, Design 101

“He was fantastic!! He gave me very useful feedback, not only through our weekly calls and comments on my submissions, but through email as well. I could not have asked for a better mentor!”

- Kate P, UX Research & Strategy

Past students

Design 101 v2 icon

Design 101

UX Research & Strategy icon

UX Research & Strategy