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What students say

“JJ is an incredible mentor and role model; I am so thankful for his support & guidance during UXA! His feedback and insights have been invaluable in shaping my capstone projects; I couldn't have asked for a better mentor! His genuine interest in my progress made this mentoring experience a super positive one, and I can't recommend him enough. He meets students where they are, actively listens, and creates a supportive learning environment. He's also an all-around fun person to talk to! JJ - thanks for sharing your life experiences with me; I have learned so much from you!”

- Stephanie F, UX Academy

“JJ was a fantastic mentor, so fantastic that I chose to keep him through Phase 2 after completing Phase 1 of UX Academy. He responded quickly and thoroughly after I submitted my work and was very easy to talk to! I looked forward to our meetings every week. I learned a lot about the industry and felt comfortable asking all kinds of questions. I really feel like I excelled in UX Academy under his mentorship and am super grateful that we were paired. Thanks JJ!”

- Hannah A, UX Academy

“I could not have asked for a better mentor. JJ genuinely cares about his students’ growth and progress. His feedback is thorough, detailed, and always helpful. He gives excellent constructive criticism, which not only improves the work as a whole but also teaches his students to do the same. Additionally, JJ is a very generous mentor both with his time and resources. Not only was his feedback prompt, he regularly shared additional resources and went above and beyond in helping me understand how I might apply the skills I was learning. I truly appreciate his willingness to answer my many questions without ever making me feel silly or naive for asking them. A quality that is indispensable in a good mentor.”

- Sasha A, UX Academy

“JJ is the best that could happen in terms of a mentoring relationship. From the first interaction, I felt how deeply JJ cares about getting his students where they want to be. He always gave honest and constructive feedback on my submissions. JJ also shared in-depth insights on how it is to work in the industry. Ranging from how to work with a cross-functional team to suggestions on what skills, tools, and hardware are industry standard. If you are looking for a compassionate mentor that helps you to get to the next level JJ is the one. Thanks again for your endless feedback and making me slowly extent the comfort zone.”

- Chris W, Design 101

“JJ is a really great mentor to have. He goes above and beyond in passing on skills, advice, and insights about the industry and profession to his students. He will often refer to things I've brought up in past sessions and send me articles to read outside of our sessions. He was also very forthcoming in sharing what his current work is like so that I was able to get a good picture of what a day to day in the life of a UX Designer would look like. I'm very grateful to be able to complete the program with his mentorship and feel that he contributed a lot to the ideas and insights that shaped my portfolio projects.”

- Rebecca W, UX Academy

“JJ was a fantastic mentor! He was extremely prompt in responding to my submissions, usually he responded in much less than 24 hours. He's full of great career advice and questions to ask yourself, and he is genuinely interested in helping new designers become successful in the field.”

- Stephanie H, Design 101

Past students

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UX Academy

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Career Services

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Design 101

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UX Research & Strategy