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What students say

โ€œI came into UX Academy with 10 years of experience in graphic and web design -- so while I felt confident in my visual skills, I felt that my UX skills were a significant area of focus. I feel so lucky to have had him as a mentor -- he took the time to support and guide me throughout the course both in the UX process and the industry in general, at times when I felt overwhelmed and frustrated. His mentoring style is supportive and educational -- he's always there to remind you of your strengths, provide additional resources, and give a gentle push. He truly cares about his mentees -- advocating for them during the portfolio review phase and even meeting with them on his own time. He continues to be a trusted mentor now that I've started my new career.โ€

- Kristin R, UX Academy

โ€œBenjamin was a great mentor and I consider myself very lucky to have been placed with him. It was so obvious just how knowledgeable he is of the UX design process and the industry overall. UXAcademy wasn't the easiest for me but he was so encouraging along my whole journey. Whenever I doubted myself, he was always there to remind me of my skills and the great work I had done. He genuinely cares for his mentees and even met with me on his own time to help me with some projects and my resume. I am so grateful for all the help he gave me.โ€

- Dominique S, UX Academy

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