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What students say

“Alok is a mentor who will challenge you and help you when you are unsure about your work or the tools you are working with. He easily recognised my strengths and weaknesses and always gave me constructive feedback to work on the latter while still giving me the creative freedom to explore. When discussing coursework, he always showed an example from his own work experience to illustrate how he had solved a similar problem, which really aided in my learning. I also commend Alok for being a true mentor by making himself available through e-mail, not only for coursework questions but also for questions I had about job hunting and interviewing. I'm grateful for his guidance through UX Academy!”

- Nicole M, UX Academy

“Alok was a really good mentor! He made sure all my questions were answered during our mentor sessions and gave very useful feedbacks for my design projects. I’m very glad that he was also there to give me all the support I needed when I was struggling with my final project. He was very attentive and helped me learn the positive mindset and attitude a designer should have. From his advices, I could really see that he cares his students a lot. Technical advices are important, but emotional support and guidance really makes the difference in this challenging journey. Can’t thank enough this amazing designer!”

- Judy K, UX Academy Foundations

“Alok has been nothing short of an amazing mentor! He went above and beyond to work closely with me to ensure I understood all of the processes and helped me transition into using Figma. As a graphic designer who was using Illustrator mostly, he greatly aided in helping me with Figma. His expertise and experience shined through with any problem I had arose. I cannot wait to take what he has taught me and use it in the real life industry.”

- Taylor H, UX Academy Foundations

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UX Academy Foundations

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